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Optimal shade determination with a shade guide
As a manufacturer of zirconium dioxide blanks, we regularly receive support requests regarding the optimal shade determination and shade deviations. A shade guide is often used for shade determination. When using a shade guide, we strongly recommend that you obtain it from the same manufacturer as the zirconium dioxide blank. The reasons for this are:
VITA® classical Shade Guides as a reference:
VITA® classical Shade Guides are often used as a standard, but since each manufacturer has their own production processes and formulas, slight variations may occur. Here is an example: VITA® classical Shade Guides are made of veneering ceramic. We mill our shade guides directly from our own priti®multidisc ZrO2 blanks. Therefore, there is a certain deviation in appearance.
Age of the shade guide:
The age of your shade guide should be checked. Even if you stay with the same manufacturer, after many years, for example after a decade, there may be a color deviation, which means that the colors no longer match exactly. For example, if you compare a shade guide from 2010 with a shade guide from 2024, differences may be apparent. In the event of such differences, you should ask the manufacturer whether the color formula has been adjusted and whether new shade guides are available.
Note: Possible changes in color (due to an aging process) are virtually impossible with zirconium dioxide. The reasons for this are the chemical composition and subsequently the sensitivity to external influences.
Nobody is perfect:
Despite the greatest care and attention to all advice and tips, color deviations may occur. There may be color differences in a batch that affects both the current blank and your shade guide. Even with a high level of automation and strict standards and controls, errors can occur. If you notice a color deviation, please inform your manufacturer immediately.
Our recommendation for priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent PLUS: When developing our product priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent PLUS, we used the latest VITA classical Shade Guide A1-D4® (year of manufacture 2022) as a guide to simplify shade selection for our customers.
The two photos show the comparison between a current VITA® Classical Shade Guide with the priti®multidisc ZrO2 Multi Translucent PLUS Shade Guide under 2 different photographic modes (less and more chromatic).
If you use shade guides from VITA®, make sure that your VITA classical Shade Guide A1-D4® is up to date. VITA® is currently offering a promotion for its shade guides, where you can purchase new, latest edition shade guide at a reduced price:
New LiSi Disc:
CAD/CAM lithium disilicate based material as a disc.
Milling restorations from lithium disilicate more efficiently, cost effectively and conveniently this is now possible thanks to a new innovation on the dental CAD/CAM market. In collaboration with material specialist pritidenta, imes icore is the first milling machine manufacturer to launch a CAD/CAM disc in the material lithium disilicate. The new CORiTEC LiSi Disc is successfully validated for all current imes icore milling machines, which means that dental restorations made from lithium disilicate can now be produced by dentists, practice laborat ories and commercial laboratories more efficient ly and cost effective ly with imes icore machines.
The new glass disc is a highly aesthetic and innovative nano lithium disilicate CAD/CAM disc, available in 19 shades . The translucency of the material can be modified by heat. This means, that restorations milled from the same disc can be individually fired to achieve a higher or lower level of translucency without changing the properties of the restoration. The translucency can also be adjusted at a later stage through firing. In addition, the new material is compatible with a wide spectrum of conventional sta ins/glazes and veneering materials.
The new glass disc is suitable for the 98mm standard disc holder , it has a high edge stability and shows next to no chipping during wet sanding. A continuous milling procedure , in which up to 25 units can be milled in one sequence , means that these restorations can be produced at a competitive price. The workflows for all CORiTEC systems from imes icore have been adapted and validated. The combination of imes icore machines, tools and iCAM software guarantee safe processing and high quality results.
Dr. Batyr Kuliev from Nuremberg , has tested the new glass disc and produced restorations for two patient cases: one was a single crown and the other case was veneers. He was particularly impressed by the short milling time and the very good shade of the restorations. He feels the disc has a distinct advantage over the block in terms of efficiency when milling several different types of restoration all at once . An additional advantage to the block is the fact that it is possible to mill a 3 unit bridge from the disc.
The new glass disc will be available directly from pritidenta from November 2023. It has a height of 12mm and a strength of 450 MPa after complete crystallization. For the start, the following shades will be available: A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B2, C2, D2, Bleach 2.
About pritidenta:
As a specialist for dental CAD/CAM materials, pritidenta has stood for brand quality from Germany for over ten years. pritidenta is a developer and manufacturer of premium products with the core competence of zirconium dioxide and high quality production technologies for CAD/CAM materials. As a company of the imes icore group, dental technicians and dentists therefore have access to first class CORiTEC materials for efficient production and automation in the CAD/CAM process.
About imes-icore:
imes-icore is a German company that was founded in 2002. For 20 years, imes-icore has been providing professional solutions in the world's largest product portfolio in the field of dental CAD/CAM machine systems in the chairside, laboratory and milling cent er markets , and consistently providing new innovations and customer oriented technologies.
Further information can be found on the website at:
Press Release
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… therefore we follow the instructions of the World Health Organization and local government authorities very closely.
We care about the health, safety and well-being of our customers, employees, partners and the community. We have taken all the necessary safety precautions to ensure this. We would like to inform you that pritidenta GmbH has taken and continues to take the steps to remain operational. All incoming orders will be processed by us promptly. You can also reach our personal advisors on the phone.
In our headquarters in Leinfelden-Echterdingen there are only a few employees on site. Most of them are in the home office, but they are always available for you online and by phone.
In our production facility in Kaisersesch, precautionary measures have been taken. Our articles are, as always, produced under special hygienic conditions. Our warehouse is well filled with our articles. Raw material stocks are large enough to be able to maintain production for you.
You can order as usual through our dealers.
You can reach our support daily from 8.00am to 5.00pm.
At this point we would like to thank you for your loyalty.
We remain your reliable partner in this situation as well.
Stay healthy and take care of yourself.
With kind regards
Your pritdenta team
signed. Dr. Berthold Reusch

Are you looking for a material that...
- meets the highest aesthetic requirements?
- has no limitations as to indications?
- can be manufactured efficiently?
- and is still extremely economical?
A pipe dream? – A vision?
pritidenta presents a completely new zirconia product!
The new priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor Extra Translucent fills the gap in the dental zirconia portfolio. This advanced 4Y-TZP product from pritidenta really is a jack of all trades: 45% translucence and >1,150 MPa flexural strength combined in one round blank with integrated color gradient!
What makes priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor Extra Translucent unique is its balance between extra high translucence (45%) and optimal stability (>1,150 MPa).
This means the material can be recommended without reservation for flexible use across a particularly broad range of indications: It is suitable for inlays, onlays, veneers, and partial crowns as well as monolithic, fully anatomical, and partially or fully veneered crowns and bridges (up to 16 pontics).
It is also approved for custom anterior and posterior suprastructures on natural abutment teeth and implants.
This is what fans of all-ceramic restorations have been dreaming of!
Like every priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor the Extra Translucent variant has a harmonious color gradient that imitates that of natural teeth.
It is available in 7 multicolor shades and one bleach shade. Each color gradient covers a specific color range. The basic shade of the restoration is controlled precisely by its position on the round blank. This means all VITA shades can be reproduced with all the shades in between.

It’s as simple as “Sex on the Beach”!
Sounds rude? When you put your straw on the bottom of the glass for your first slurp, it tastes particularly sweet; further up, it gets more bitter. And just as you can control the taste when drinking cocktails, with priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor round blanks from pritidenta GmbH you can control the shade. Still sounds grotesque? Let pritidenta’s experts put it in slightly more technical terms.
priti®multidisc ZrO2 multicolor is available in seven shades that each cover a balanced color gradient. This means they can perfectly match the gradient of natural teeth in all 16 VITA classical shades. For example, the priti®multidisc ZrO2 round blank is available in “A light,” a composite shade that can achieve A1 to A3 shades. Positioning the restoration in the middle gives you an A2 shade. Positioning it higher up in the round blank makes it lighter and perfectly matches the A1 shade; putting it lower down matches an A3 shade. The positioning and color mapping can be adjusted to the right blank height depending on restoration height.
Coloring for ZrO2: Not just “pretty”, but smart too! – The new priti®multibloc ZrO2 multicolor High Translucent. Now pritidenta presents its tried and tested, German-made zirconia round blank in a block version as well: priti®multibloc ZrO2 multicolor High Translucent – easy to recognize from its magenta holder. All multicolor round blanks have the smart coloring that keeps inventories low whilst retaining the spectrum of shades you are used to.
Optional accessories
The priti®MPguide High Translucent allows you to match all multicolor shades to the VITA shade systems at a glance. The MulticolorPositioningTool software simulates the color gradient of the round blanks after sintering and projects the color effect onto the CAD restoration.
You can find more information about the pritidenta product range here or by calling +49 (0) 711 320 656 0.